Monday, January 4, 2010

If you are willing to shovel a little manure, you might not have to pull your own plow.

"Where no oxen are the crib is clean, but much increase is by the strength of an ox"
Proverbs 14:4

This is one of my favorite proverbs, and you don't have to be an expert in agriculture to understand that oxen can be filthy animals and require lots of food. On the other hand, oxen are much better at pulling heavy loads than men, and can be quite useful on a farm.

As it relates to time-saving gadgets:
Here in America we are taught to believe that if we only have more stuff, our lives will be easier. While the right equipment for right job is important, tools that are intended to make our lives easier often produce more work for us to do. Before a farmer should go out a buy an ox, he should figure out whether he needs it. If he doesn't need a larger harvest, he probably doesn't need another ox to clean up after.

As it relates to the Family:
Another thing taught in America is that children are a burden that should be avoided if at all possible. Children are a huge financial responsibility, and any idea of a clean, quiet house with kids around is crazy. But the bible teaches that "Children are a heritage from the LORD...Like arrows in the hand of a warrior, So are the children of one's youth." (Psalm 127) Spiritually speaking we are laborers, and although children are a huge responsibility, one day they might be able influence the lives of more people than the parents could ever have been able to influence by themselves.

A wise person may subject himself to more work in the short term, but will ultimately be more productive.

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